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First-Ever Use of Oral Cholera Vaccine During Outbreak in Africa

MSF vaccination campaign in Guinea shows feasibility of oral cholera vaccine for control of future epidemics


Paris/New York, October 17, 2013—In a report published today in PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, the international medical humanitarian organization Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and its scientific research arm, Epicentre, present results of one of the first-ever, large-scale uses of an oral cholera vaccine during a cholera outbreak—a major breakthrough in the understanding and future control of deadly cholera epidemics.

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2013 WHO Global Tuberculosis Report launched

The World Health Organization (WHO) unveiled 5 priority actions to strengthen the fight against one of the world’s leading infectious killers - tuberculosis (TB) - at the 23 October launch of a new report on the epidemic. The 2013 TB report calls for more attention to multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) and reaching those who are being missed by the system.



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Gaps persist despite doubling of new products for neglected diseases

A rigorous assessment of drug and vaccine development for neglected diseases that shows some improvement over the last decade but still major gaps has been published in the Lancet today. Only 4% of the new therapeutic products registered between 2000-11 were for 11% of the global disease burden, and only 4 new chemical entities that can lead to truly new products were approved. 


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Research discussion at the World Health Summit in Berlin

A call for action in 4 areas was put out at the World Health Summit in Berlin, held 20-22 October. The 1000 decision makers and representatives of health-related fields from more than 80 countries were there to address pressing issues of medicine and health care systems. The M8 Alliance released a joint statement on what was needed in research and innovation; education and leadership; evidence to policy; and global health for development. 

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Guinea: Poverty Reduction Strategy (2013-2015)


On July 2013, the International Monetary Fund leased the poverty reduction strategy (2013-2015) for Guinea. The document is divided into three chapter. The first chapter presents the most recent socio-economic situation, the second, the strategic framework for the alleviation of poverty and the third, the framework for implementation of the strategy. The document elaborated extensivelly among other topics, on health and human security, eduction, as well as climate change. Please click here to read more.

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Cholera Epidemic in the Slums of Conakry and Freetown

Cholera is usually due to inadequate sanitation and water treatment systems. Tropical countries like Guinea and Sierra Leone are known to have very poor sanitation system which condition creates a breeding ground for diseases like cholera. According to The New York Times, from February to August of year 2012, cholera killed 392 while infecting more than 25,000 in Guinea and Sierra Leone. Please click here to read more.

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Terre des hommes targets Health Centers in Conakry for Sanitation Improvement

Organizations such as Terre des homme make tremendous efforts to improve sanitation and promote health in Conakry. On January of last year, Terre des hommes launched a project to improve the conditions of hygiene in seven health centres in Conakry. The organization is hoping that the intervention will greatly improve the quality of the healthcare given to 262,000 mothers and children. Click here to read more.


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Conakry sanitation status


This report provides a brief assessment of Conakry sanitation status. It shares information about water sources and supply systems, sanitation access, sewage system and treatment, and sanitation in low-income areas. It further describes agencies within the administration in charge of sanitation, as well as outside donors efforts to improve sanitation in Conakry. Please click here to read more.

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The World Bank Report about Childhood Diseases in Sub-Saharan Africa

World Bank Group recently reported major decrease in childhood diseases in sub-Saharan Africa. Loss of health due to diarrheal diseases dropped 34% between 1990 and 2010, lower respiratory infections (LRIs) such as pneumonia dropped 22%, and protein-energy malnutrition was down 17%. Several countries documented striking progress, with Malawi reducing diarrheal diseases by 65%, Burundi decreasing LRIs by 44%, and Benin reducing measles by 84% during this time. Despite this progress, childhood diseases remain major threat in that region. Please click here for more information.

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