
Resilience System

Mob attacks Ebola treatment centre in Guinea, suspected cases reach Mali

BAMAKO/CONAKRY, April 4 (Reuters) - An angry crowd attacked an Ebola treatment centre in Guinea on Friday, accusing its staff of bringing the deadly disease to the town, Medecins Sans Frontieres said, as Mali identified its first suspected cases.

More than 90 people have already died in Guinea and Liberia in what medical charity MSF, or Doctors without Borders, has warned could turn into an unprecedented epidemic...

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Ebola victims quarantined in Guinea

 — Health workers in protective hazmat suits treated patients in quarantine centers on Tuesday in a remote corner of Guinea where Ebola has killed at least 60 people in West Africa's first outbreak of the deadly virus in two decades.

Seven patients are being hospitalized at one isolation ward in Gueckedou in southern Guinea, while two others are being treated elsewhere, said Doctors Without Borders. The aid group said it is sending mobile teams into the surrounding countryside in search of people who may have been exposed since the first cases emerged last week.

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Ebola Virus Suspected to Have Spread From Guinea to Liberia

Africa’s biggest Ebola outbreak in seven years has probably spread from Guinea to neighboring Liberia and also threatens Sierra Leone.

Five people are suspected to have died from the disease in Lofa county in northern Liberia, Bernice Dahn, Liberia’s chief medical officer, said at a briefing yesterday. At least 86 cases and 59 deaths have been recorded across Guinea, the west African country’s health ministry said. The capital, Conakry, hasn’t been affected, government spokesman Albert Damantang Camara said.

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CONAKRY, Guinea (AP) — Samples from victims of a viral hemorrhagic fever that has killed more than 50 people in Guinea have tested positive for the Ebola virus, government officials said Sunday, marking the first time an outbreak among humans has been detected in this West African nation. 


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Guinea Ebola Outbreak - by Christabelle Fombu and Susanna Capelouto - March 23, 2014

(CNN) -- An Ebola outbreak has killed at least 59 people in Guinea, UNICEF said, as the deadly hemorrhagic fever has quickly spread from southern communities in the West African nation.

Experts in the country had been unable to identify the disease, whose symptoms -- diarrhea, vomiting and fever -- were first observed last month.

Health Minister Remy Lamah said Saturday initial test results confirm the presence of a viral hemorrhagic fever, which according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention refers to a group of viruses that affect multiple organ systems in the body.


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Conakry Resilience System Project


The earth temperature has increased by 1°F since 1950s, causing climate change, therefore, the proliferation of climate change-related disasters (CCRDs). Scientists believe that humans caused about half of the increase. CCRDs can result in serious disruptions of the functioning of society and cause widespread human, material, or environmental losses that exceed the local capacity to respond, resulting in the need for external assistance. Poor countries are the most vulnerable to CCRDs as they are lacking adequate resources to cope with these crises.

Conakry vulnerability to CCRD was assessed by answering to a series of questions designed for that purpose. The questions were answered, based on available literature on GOOGLE online search engine and documents received from government employees in Conakry.

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First-Ever Use of Oral Cholera Vaccine During Outbreak in Africa

MSF vaccination campaign in Guinea shows feasibility of oral cholera vaccine for control of future epidemics


Paris/New York, October 17, 2013—In a report published today in PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, the international medical humanitarian organization Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and its scientific research arm, Epicentre, present results of one of the first-ever, large-scale uses of an oral cholera vaccine during a cholera outbreak—a major breakthrough in the understanding and future control of deadly cholera epidemics.

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West African Agriculture and Climate Change: A COMPREHENSIVE ANALYSIS — GUINEA

CURRENT CONDITIONS Guinea has a tropical climate with two alternating seasons, a November–March dry season and an April–October rainy season. In general, rainfall increases from north to south. Average annual rainfall is 1,988 mm. Rice is the staple crop, and other important food crops are corn, fonio groundnuts, and cassava. Most of the population is rural, and the agricultural sector is the major employer. Urbanization is a growing phenomenon in Guinea. Agricultural GDP remained at about 20 percent of total GDP between the mid-1980s and 2005. By 2009, that share declined to less than 10 percent, reflecting a stagnation in agricultural productivity and the growth of other sectors like mining and the service sector.  

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CNN Reports: Super Typhoon Haiyan, perhaps strongest ever, plows across Philippines

Super Typhoon Haiyan -- perhaps the strongest storm ever -- plowed Friday across the central Philippines, leaving widespread devastation in its wake.

It roared onto Samar at 4:30 a.m., flooding streets and knocking out power and communications networks in many areas of the hilly island in the region of Eastern Visayas, and then continued its march, barreling into four other Philippine islands as it moved across the archipelago.

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2013 WHO Global Tuberculosis Report launched

The World Health Organization (WHO) unveiled 5 priority actions to strengthen the fight against one of the world’s leading infectious killers - tuberculosis (TB) - at the 23 October launch of a new report on the epidemic. The 2013 TB report calls for more attention to multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) and reaching those who are being missed by the system.



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Gaps persist despite doubling of new products for neglected diseases

A rigorous assessment of drug and vaccine development for neglected diseases that shows some improvement over the last decade but still major gaps has been published in the Lancet today. Only 4% of the new therapeutic products registered between 2000-11 were for 11% of the global disease burden, and only 4 new chemical entities that can lead to truly new products were approved. 


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Research discussion at the World Health Summit in Berlin

A call for action in 4 areas was put out at the World Health Summit in Berlin, held 20-22 October. The 1000 decision makers and representatives of health-related fields from more than 80 countries were there to address pressing issues of medicine and health care systems. The M8 Alliance released a joint statement on what was needed in research and innovation; education and leadership; evidence to policy; and global health for development. 

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Report: Warming likely to make bad things worse

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Many of the ills of the modern world -- starvation, poverty, flooding, heat waves, droughts, war and disease -- are likely to worsen as the world warms from man-made climate change, a leaked draft of an international scientific report forecasts.

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These Countries Face The Biggest Threats From Climate Change

In its sixth annual Climate Change Vulnerability Index, risk consultancy firm Maplecroft revealed the countries most likely to suffer from the effects of warming climates by 2025. Please click here to read more.

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Resilience thinking in health protection

Many may be struggling to a clear understanding of the real meaning of "resilience". According to this article, the term really expanded in this post 9/11, tsunami and hurricane katrina era to acquire new meanings. This article contains detailed description about how the term "resilience" becomes widely used to describe how people, communities, nations strive to minimize impact of natural and manmade desasters. Click here to read the article.

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