
Resilience System

Research into How Long Does COVID Immunity Last With The New Bivalent Booster

U.S. CDC approves monkeypox vaccine for people before being exposed to the disease

WHO says its global infodemic manager community of practice is growing and tackling COVID-19, monkeypox and other outbreaks

Experts say that new strains suggest that a Big COVID-19 waves may be coming

Autoimmune responses play a significant role in long Covid--research study

Disease experts say it has become increasingly clear that an autoimmune response, in which antibodies attack the body’s own healthy cells and tissue, plays an important role in some long-Covid cases.

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Some pre-existing conditions matter a lot more when assessing COVID-19 outcomes

New York COVID-19 cases move upward

Canada to remove all COVID travel restrictions from Oct 1

British warn of difficult COVID winter, it may indicate the same for the US

Pfizer, Moderna seek authorization for updated Covid-19 boosters for younger children

Uganda's Ebola caseload rises to 16 as outbreak grows

Covid pandemic discussions took place on UN’s sidelines at General Assembly

U.S. Officials Hopeful That Monkeypox Can Be Eliminated in the country

WASHINGTON — With monkeypox cases on the decline nationally, federal health officials expressed optimism on Thursday that the virus could be eliminated in the United States, though they cautioned that unless it was wiped out globally, Americans would remain at risk.

“Our goal is to eradicate; that’s what we’re working toward,” Dr. Demetre Daskalakis, the deputy coordinator of the White House monkeypox response team, said during a visit to a monkeypox vaccination clinic in Washington. He added, “The prediction is, we’re going to get very close.”

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Analysis: The evolutionary consequences of delaying intervention for monkeypox--Study

WHO warns ability to identify new Covid variants is diminishing as testing declines


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