
Resilience System

Coronavirus Antigen Levels Line up with COVID-19 Severity

Research indicates SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in kids after COVID may peak at 1 to 3 months

New Covid Variant BA.4.6 is Now Outcompeting Dominant BA.5 in areas of U.S.


While BA.4.6 has been in the U.S. since at least May, it remained below 2% of new cases sequenced until July, when it gradually began to rise, even as BA.5 continued to do the same. As of this week’s CDC reporting, it currently stands at 7.5%. But the real wrinkle comes when the variant proportions are broken out regionally.



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Boosters: US clears updated COVID boosters targeting newest variants

Monkeypox: Texas reports first U.S. death in person with monkeypox

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Misinformation issue: California Legislature passes Bill to Punish Doctors Who Spread False Information

Trying to strike a balance between free speech and public health, California’s Legislature on Monday approved a bill that would allow regulators to punish doctors for spreading false information about Covid-19 vaccinations and treatments.

The legislation, if signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom, would make the state the first to try to legislate a remedy to a problem that the American Medical Association, among other medical groups and experts, says has worsened the impact of the pandemic, resulting in thousands of unnecessary hospitalizations and deaths.

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CDC advisers to meet Thursday on Omicron-retooled boosters

Dr. Fauci on COVID-19: 'We’re not going to eradicate the virus'

"We’re not going to eradicate the virus from the face of the Earth," Fauci told Yahoo Finance in an interview on Tuesday. “I don’t believe we’re even going to eliminate it from this country to the tune of getting zero cases."

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Greenland ice losses set to raise global sea levels by nearly a foot--researh

Most clinicians treating low-income COVID patients feel morally distressed--survey

Constrained by a lack of sufficient resources and faced with difficult decisions amid COVID-19 surges in the first year of the pandemic, nearly 72% of US primary care, dental, and behavioral health clinicians working in safety-net clinics report experiencing mild to intense moral distress, finds a study published late last week in BMJ Open.


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Overview: New York City, Asian developments

Monkeypox infections slowing in US, WHO says outbreak can be eliminated in Europe

mRNA COVID vaccines protect against severe Omicron for at least half a year--new study

U.S. to provide $11 mln for production of monkeypox vaccine

Ssome people who post about the Covid deaths of loved ones receive hateful and mocking comments.


Such vitriol targeting a grieving person was highly unusual before the pandemic, said Ari Eisen, a co-founder of the Covid Grief Network, a group that offers support and grief counseling to young adults who've lost loved ones to Covid....


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