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Quick Test for Ebola - MIT
Wed, 2015-02-25 02:49 — Kathy Gilbeauxsubmitted by George Hurlburt
A new paper diagnostic device can detect Ebola as well as other viral hemorrhagic fevers in about 10 minutes. The device (pictured here) has silver nanoparticles of different colors that indicate different diseases. On the left is the unused device, opened to reveal the contents inside. On the right, the device has been used for diagnosis; the colored bands show positive tests. Photo - Jose Gomez-Marquez, Helena de Puig, and Chun-Wan Yen
Simple paper strip can diagnose Ebola and other fevers within 10 minutes
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - - February 24, 2015
CAMBRIDGE, MA -- When diagnosing a case of Ebola, time is of the essence. . .
. . . A new test from MIT researchers . . . The device, a simple paper strip similar to a pregnancy test, can rapidly diagnose Ebola, as well as other viral hemorrhagic fevers such as yellow fever and dengue fever. . .
. . . Hamad-Schifferli and Lee Gehrke, the Hermann L.F. von Helmholtz Professor in MIT's Institute for Medical Engineering and Science (IMES), are the senior authors of a paper describing the new device in the journal Lab on a Chip.
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